Erin Lilli

Erin Lilli

Student of the PhD program in Environmental Psychology at the Graduate Center, City University of New York

Erin earned her PhD in Environmental Psychology from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York and holds a Master of Architecture and a Master of Science in Architecture with an emphasis on Sustainable Design from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Her research examined race, everyday resistance to neoliberalism, and the struggle for housing through a historical-materialist framework by using residential oral histories and archival data in Crown Heights, Brooklyn.

In addition to doctoral research, Erin teaches in the Urban Studies department at Queens College. Additionally, she held a Graduate Research Fellowship working with the KTH Royal Institute of Technology’s Center for the Future of Places reviewing academic literature in geography and anthropology for the Public Space Database Project. Erin is associated with CUNY’s Center for Human Environments as a Research Associate for the Public Space Research Group and previously worked as a research assistant on an NSF-funded project with the Housing Environments Research Group studying the impacts of Community Land Trusts on disrupting systemic inequalities.

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