The PSRG will be active in the WUF 10!
In the Public Space Research Group, we are excited to attend the World Urban Forum 10 and, with our...
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PSRG Members Submit Proposal for EDRA Presentation in May 2019
The PSRG members Erin Lilli, Troy Simpson, Evie Klein, Javier Otero Pena and Setha Low have submitted a proposal...
Setha Low to give Luskin Lecture April 23, 2019
Setha Low will give the Luskin Lecture in Urban Policy at UCLA on April 23, 2019 (l)
The PSRG present in the World Urban Forum 9
Today marks the first day of the 9th World Urban Forum, organized by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme...
Urban Agriculture in NYC
As part of her fieldwork in community gardens in East Harlem threatened by the affordable housing plan, PSRG member,...
The Public and Publics Conference
How have scholars, activists, and artists apprehended their position in public life and their belonging in a collective? How...
Deep Word Play: Signs of Distinction and Exclusion in Gentrifying Brooklyn
Deep Word Play: Signs of Distinction and Exclusion in Gentrifying Brooklyn March 3, 2017. 12:00pm – 2:00pm Room C201...
The PSRG is present at the Habitat III Conference
Setha Low, Director of the Public Space Research Group, is attending the Habitat III Conference in Quito, Ecuador, organized...
Event Invitation 10/13/2016 – From New York to Paris: Public Space and Social Reactions to Terror Attacks
Join us in welcoming Gérôme Truc, (France, Center for the Study of Social Movements at EHESS, the Institute for...