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Alesia Montgomery presents: Race and public space: The contradictions of placemaking in Detroit and Oakland

The PUBLIC SPACE RESEARCH GROUP welcomes, Alesia Montgomery presenting, Race and Public Space: The Contradictions of Placemaking in Detroit and Oakland   Scholars who study race and public space in US cities tend to either (1) critique the displacement of Black cultures by privatized parks and hipster shops in gentrifying enclaves or (2) celebrate street cultures (community gardens, hip-hop) in […]

Prof. Dr. Sabine Knierbein, presenting: Quo vadis public space? Conceptual explorations of lived space and everyday life in urban studies

(Photo credits: Photo Wilke ( The PUBLIC SPACE RESEARCH GROUP welcomes, Prof. Dr. Sabine Knierbein, presenting: Quo vadis public space? Conceptual explorations of lived space and everyday life in urban studies. Public space research has been undergoing several conjunctures over the last decades, at times influenced by new approaches to urban design and policy, or responding to and making sense […]

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